A man is walking home alone late one foggy night... when behind him he hears:
Walking faster, he looks back and through the fog he makes out the image of an upright casket banging its way down the middle of the street toward him. Terrified, the man begins to run toward his home, the casket bouncing quickly behind him.
He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door, rushes in,
slams and locks the door behind him.
However, the casket crashes through his door, with the lid of the casket clapping
clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... clappity-BUMP... on his heels, the terrified man runs.
Rushing upstairs to the bathroom, the man locks himself in. His heart is pounding;
his head is reeling; his breath is coming in sobbing gasps.
With a loud CRASH the casket breaks down the door. Bumping and clapping toward him.
The man screams and reaches for something, anything, but all he can find is a bottle of cough syrup!
Desperate, he throws the cough syrup at the casket... and,
(...hope you're ready for this!!!)
The coffin stops!
From the Choir Loft
Choir rehearsals for the upcoming Christmas musical are in full swing and we’re still looking for more participants!
If you can help by singing with us, or by videotaping the performance, or by greeting or ushering during the cantata, or by acting in the drama portion of the cantata, or by finding us some theater spotlights, or by helping build a few sets, or by providing a few set decorations, or by dancing during the "big band" music…we need you! Why not call Bud or call the church office to offer some help?
Yes folks...there is a BLOG from Bud. We'll be including the Bud's World and History of the Hymns articles plus choir announcements and information. The Blog address is:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wit or Wisdom?
"To me, old age is fifteen years older than I am."
- Bernard M. Baruch
"Millions of people long for immortality who do not know what to do
with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."
- Susan Ertz
Today in history
(November 19)
1965 – Kellogg’s introduced America to the "Pop Tart"
1959 – The Ford Motor Co. discontinued the unpopular "Edsel"
1928 – The 1st issue of Time Magazine was published (Japanese Emperor Hirohito on cover)
1895 – The pencil was patented as "The Paper Pencil"
1863 – President Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous "Gettysburg Address"
1644 – The 1st Protestant Ministry Society was formed in New England
Church office: 672-2048, Bud: 934-7734, email:
From Bud ’s
History of the Hymns
November 19, 2006
"Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow"
(1978) pg. 95
by Thomas Ken (1637 - 1711) Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872 - 1958)
Nearly every English-speaking Protestant congregation unites at least once each Sunday in this noble overture of praise. These lyrics, sung as the "Doxology" in many churches, are actually the last verse of a longer hymn, "Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun." It has been said that the "Doxology" has done more to teach the doctrine of the Trinity than all the theology books ever written.
The author of this text was a bold, outspoken 17th century Anglican bishop named Thomas Ken. Ken’s illustrious career in the ministry was stormy and colorful. He served for a time as the English chaplain at the royal court in The Hague, Holland. He was so outspoken; however, in denouncing the corrupt lives of those in authority at the Dutch capital that he was compelled to leave after a short stay. Upon his return to England, he was appointed by King Charles II to be one of his chaplains. Ken continued to reveal the same spirit of boldness in rebuking the moral sins of his dissolute English monarch. Despite this, King Charles always admired his courageous chaplain, calling him "the good little man."
History & Traditions of Thanksgiving…
Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States commemorating the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony in 1621, after a winter of great starvation and hardship. In that year Gov. William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving, and all the colonists and the neighboring Native Americans shared the feast. Although similar observances were held locally, they were sporadic and had no set date. After the American Revolution the first national Thanksgiving Day, proclaimed by George Washington, was Nov. 26, 1789. Abraham Lincoln revived the custom in 1863, appointing as the date the last Thursday of November. In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Thanksgiving to be the third Thursday in November. When a conflict arose between President Roosevelt’s proclamation and some state governors, Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November. The day is observed by church services and family reunions. The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys served at the Pilgrims’ first thanksgiving feast.
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2001-05 Columbia University Press