Monday, February 11, 2008

Sheridan Community Chorus

Here is our tentative Sheridan Community Chorus Easter concert schedule:

Sunday, March 16 @ 7:00 Pm at The Sheridan United Methodist Church 2679 E. Main Road (Route 20) in Sheridan, NY (716) 672-2048

Tuesday, March 18 @ 7:00 PM at The Cattaraugus United Methodist Church Washington & South Streets in Cattaraugus, NY 14719 (716) 257-3583

Sunday, April 6 @ 6:00 PM at Holy Trinity R.C. Church 1032 Central Avenue in Dunkirk, NY 14048 (716) 366-2306

Today's Funny

A woman was working in her yard with the weed whacker, when she accidentally cut off the tail of her cat.

She ran screaming into the house, and told her husband, wondering what to do. He replied calmly, "Get the cat, and the tail, and we'll take them to Wal-Mart."

She was incredulous. "How could that possibly help?" she asked.

"Well," he replied, "they're the world's largest retailer."

~ Mikey's Funnies
Happy Valentine’s Day

Sources differ, but according to the Hallmark Historical Collection, at least eight ‘St. Valentines’ have existed. The most popular, by far, was a third-century young Christian martyr, Valentinus. Imprisoned for failing to worship false gods, Valentinus became friends with the jailer’s young, blind daughter. Legend records that he was executed on February 14, 269 AD. He sent the
maiden a farewell signed, “from your Valentine.”

From the Choir Loft
We need choir members, soloists, drama coordinator, reading parts, non-speaking parts, publicity, sound technician, video technician. We will be presenting the powerful Easter musical: ‘I’ve Seen Jesus’ at The Sheridan United Methodist Church on Palm Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM. You will find our choir members to be friendly, caring people. No auditions necessary. Even if you can’t read music…we need you.

1. This topic comes as a surprise to you.
2. Your wife has had a new deadbolt installed on your front door.
3. You don't remember your shower radio having a 220-volt feeder.
4. You've got a divot in your head from the new golf club your wife gave you.
5. You've got a red mark on your face that bears a striking resemblance to the shape of your wife’s hand.

· “The Florist couldn't find your house, did you move?”
· “I sent a candygram. Someone must have eaten it.”
· “The Hallmark Store was closed, and I didn't want to send less than the best.”
· “I left a message on your answering machine to meet me for dinner. Where were you?”
· “I didn't know you liked jewelry.”
· “I thought Saint Valentine's Day was a Catholic holy Day.”
· “I thought we would do something different this year.”
· “You didn't remind me!”

Today in history
(With a “romantic flair”) on February 10

1990 - ‘How Am I Supposed to Live Without You?’ by Michael Bolton hit #1
1974 – ‘The Way We Were’ by Barbara Streisand hit #1
1965 - ‘You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feelin’’ by The Righteous Brothers was #1
1940 - Frank Sinatra had his singing debut in Indianapolis with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra
1937 - ‘Goodnight My Love’ by Benny Goodman was #1
1912 - ‘Oh, You Beautiful Doll’ by Billy Murray & American Quartet was #1
1870 – Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), 34, married Olivia Langdon in Elmira, New York
Church office: (716) 672-2048, Bud: (716) 934-7734, email:
For choir/chorus/church music updates:

History of the Hymns

‘There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood’ (1771) Page 622
Words: William Cowper (1731 - 1800) Music: 19th Century ‘Campmeeting’ Melody

William Cowper, author of today’s hymn, was a famous English writer, his father was Chaplain to King George II and his mother was a descendant of Henry III. As a child he was “physically frail and emotionally sensitive.” His mother died when he was 6; he later remarked that there was never a day he had not mourned his mother's death.
At the age of eighteen, Cowper began to study law. Although he passed the bar, he made no attempt to practice his profession. In nine years of so-called law practice Cowper never felt worthy to serve people; nor could he attract business for himself. A concerned relative arranged for Cowper a clerkship in the House of Lords. Cowper felt so inadequate that he made several attempts to take his life.
Cowper became influenced by Christianity and discovered God’s saving grace through the encouragement of family and friends. Cowper recovered from the severe depression, but was continually disturbed with lesser bouts throughout his life. Cowper’s name will always be associated with that of John Newton (author of ‘Amazing Grace’), who remained his friend and pastor. Together they wrote many hymns familiar to us today (there are two of Cowper’s hymns in our hymnal). Newton saved Cowper from suicide several times. Being unable to hold a job, Cowper spent his time in literary pursuits and writing poetry. He had quite a large audience of people who read and enjoyed his writings.
Cowper moved to Olney, a village in Buckinghamshire, England in 1767, and stayed there for 19 years in close friendship with John Newton. In 1779, their joint hymn-writing efforts were published in a volume entitled ‘Olney Hymns,’ which contained 280 hymns by Newton and 68 by Cowper.

Meanwhile…1771…237 years ago…in the United States…
President: None…V.P.: None
By this time, some 50,000 British convicts were dumped on American shores
Construction of the Walnut Street Jail in Philadelphia (1st solitary confinement)
Jeanne Baptiste Pointe de Sable founded the settlement now known as Chicago
Britain’s Parliament named Ben Franklin to a committee to investigate lightning rods

Ref. HymnHistories Cyberhymnal WebEdelic DMarie TanBible Wikipedia