carols: ANSWERS:
Quadruped with crimson proboscis: 'Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer'
5 p.m. to 6 a.m. without noise: 'Silent Night'

Minuscule hamlet in the far east: 'O Little Town of Bethlehem'
Ancient benevolent despot: 'Good King Wenceslas' (or some believe in Jolly Old
St. Nicholas)'
Adorn the vestibule: 'Deck the Halls'

Exuberance directed to the planet: 'Joy to the World'
Listen, aerial spirits harmonizing: 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing'
Yonder in the haystack: 'Away in a Manger'

Assemble, everyone who believes: 'Come All Ye Faithful'
Hallowed post meridian: 'O Holy Night'
Fantasies of a colorless December 25th: 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas'

Tin tintinnabulums: 'Silver Bells'
A dozen 24-hour Yule periods: 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'
Befell during the transparent bewitching hour: 'It Came Upon a Midnight Clear'

Homo sapien of crystallized vapor: 'Frosty the Snowman'
I merely desire a pair of incisors: 'All I want for Christmas is My Two Front
I spied my maternal parent osculating a fat man in red: 'I Saw Mama Kissing
Santa Claus'

Perambulating through a December solstice fantasy: 'Walking Through a Winter
Aloft on the acme of the abode: 'Up on the Rooftop'