Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sheridan Community Chorus video link

We are planning to show a video before each of our patriotic concert performances titled: 'Do You Remember Me?' by Lizzie Palmer. I feel that it is a powerful tribute to our members of the armed forces who have served and are presently serving overseas.

I have included a link so you can see it. It is a U-tube link, so after a period of time, it may not work. If this happens to you when try to use this link, do a "Google search" for "Do You Remember Me?" and the search will send you to a active link.
I think you'll see why we will show this at our concerts.

Sheridan Community Chorus

I was thrilled last Friday (5/2/08) when I was approached by Dr. Kate Levy of the School of Music @ SUNY Fredonia immediately before our band concert at Fredonia High School.

She said that she would like to sing with our Sheridan Community Chorus for our patriotic performances. I was almost speechless! (yes, me!)

I am honored that Dr. Levy will be joining our chorus.