Monday, May 7, 2007

April 28,2007

I am sorry, this is a week late!!!!(D.J.)
Who Am I?
God made Adam out of dust, but thought it best to make me first; so I was made before the man according to the Lord's Holy Plan. My whole body God made complete, without arms or hands or feet. My ways and acts did the Lord control, but in my body He placed no soul. A living being I became, and Adam gave to me a name. Then from his presence I withdrew, for this man Adam I never knew. All my maker's laws I do obey, and from these laws I never stray. Thousand's of me go in fear, but seldom on the earth appear. Without arms, legs, feet, or soul, I travel on from pole to pole. My labors are from day to night, and to men I once furnished light. Thousands of people, both young and old, did by my death bright lights behold. No right nor wrong can I conceive the bible and it's teachings I can't believe. The fear of death does not trouble me, pure happiness I will never see. Up in Heaven I can never go, nor in the grave or Hell below. So get your Bible and read with care, you'll find my name recorded there.
The answer is one word, five letters long.
Who is it? (Answer next week!)
From The Choir Loft
We will be presenting our patriotic musical at Sheridan United Methodist
Church on Sunday, July 1, 2007 @ 7:00 PM. Rehearsals are every
Tuesday evening @ S.U.M. @ 7:00 PM. The musical is a celebration
of God’s blessings on our country. If you know singers who would like to
join us, encourage them to come to the choir rehearsals, or contact the
church office or call me. If you know someone who would like to sing, but can’t carry a tune in a bucket, we’ll provide them with a bucket.

I was just wondering…
Why don't you ever see the headline: "Psychic Wins Lottery?"
Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice?”
Why is the man who invests all your money called a “broker?”
Can fat people go “skinny-dipping?”
If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that considered a hostage situation?
If a cow laughed, would milk come out her nose?
So what's the speed of “dark?”
Today in history
(April 29)
1992 – A jury acquitted L.A. police officers in the Rodney King beating…riots soon began
1990 – Wrecking balls began tearing down the Berlin Wall
1974 – President Richard Nixon agreed to release the the ‘White House Tapes’
1945 – U.S. forces liberated 31,601 from the Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Germany
1942 – The Jews were 1st forced to wear the ‘Jewish Star’ in the Netherlands & France
1813 – Rubber was patented
History of the Hymns
April 29, 2007
‘Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee’ (1866) page 175
Words by Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153)
Music by John Bacchus Dykes (1823 – 1876)
It is generally agreed that Bernard of Clairvaux was the greatest of the medieval leaders. He is said to have represented the best of monastic life of his time.
In the sixteenth century Martin Luther wrote of Bernard that he was the best monk that ever lived, and was admired beyond all the rest put together. Bernard’s influence was soon felt throughout Europe. It is said that he commanded kings, emperors, and prelates, and they obeyed him. In 1146, he was commissioned by the Pope to lead a second preaching crusade. With his eloquence and strong preaching, great crowds followed him.
One of the conditions for those joining the Crusade was a personal conversion experience. It is recorded that multitudes of vicious men were changed through his preaching and carried a cross unashamedly as a symbol of their commitment to Christ and this Crusade.
Bernard wrote a long 192-line poem entitled Dulcis Jesu Memorial (‘Joyful Rhythm on the Name of Jesus’). From this poem Edward Caswall translated portions of the line for this hymn text in the nineteenth century.

Meanwhile…1866…141 years ago…in the United States…
President: Andrew Johnson…V.P.: None
Average prices: Shaves: 6¢, Haircuts: 12¢, Shampoos: 25¢
Songs: ‘Goober Peas,’ ‘I’ll Marry No Man If He Drinks,’
‘Jolly Old Saint Nicholas,’ ‘Shew Fly Don’t Bother Me,’ ‘Oh Susanna’
Charles Elmer Hires invented “Root Beer”
Lucy B. Hobbs became the 1st woman to earn a DDS degree
1st train robbery in U.S. (Reno Brothers take $13,000 in Indiana)
The 1st burlesque show opened with 50 girls singing ‘Naughty, Naughty Men’
850 “Fenians” left Buffalo to invade Canada attempting to force England to exit Ireland
Rev. Albert Bigelow was minister of The First Presbyterian Church in Silver Creek, NY
Ref. CenterForChurchMusic BuffaloHistory TanBible InfoPlease Cyberhymnal BrainyHistory
Church office: (716) 672-2048, Bud: (716) 934-7734, email:

A Father's Sermon (Joke)

A minister's young son sat on the floor of his father's office watching him write a sermon.
"How do you know what to say?" the boy asked.
"Why, God tells me." his father replied.
"Well, then why do you keep crossing things out?"