Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 18, 2007

I am sorry this is so late, DJ

The Pastor’s Sermons

A pastor was searching for something in his wife’s closet one day when he came across a small wooden box, tucked away in a remote corner. When he opened the lid, he was surprised to find nearly $2,000 in cash and two eggs. He took the box to his wife.

"Oh," she smiled awkwardly when she saw the box. "I figured you’d find that some day."

When he asked for an explanation, she replied, "well, whenever you preach a bad sermon, I place an egg in the box." The pastor looked at the two eggs in the box and thought to himself, after twenty years of preaching and only two eggs, that’s not too bad! Then he asked, "but what about the $2,000?"

She explained, "whenever I collect a dozen eggs, I sell them and put the money in the box!"

From the Choir Loft

Community Chorus Schedule (week of 3/18): Monday: combined rehearsal at Cattaraugus United Methodist, Tuesday: 7:00 PM rehearsal @ Sheridan U.M., Thursday: 7:00 PM rehearsal.

Next Sunday (3/25/07), our Community Chorus, under the direction of Bud Lowery, will present the Easter musical: ‘The Sacrifice.’ This powerful Easter audio/visual experience will be presented at the Cattaraugus United Methodist Church (Corner of Washington & South streets). The concert will begin at 7:00 PM and will feature the combined choirs of Sheridan and Cattaraugus areas. Come out and support the endless hours of preparation by all our chorus members. On Palm Sunday, April 8th, our combined choirs will present this musical at Sheridan United @ 7:00 PM.

Wit or Wisdom?

"The best angle from which to approach any problem is the try-angle."

"Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate."

"Common sense is not that common."

"When all else fails, read the instructions."

"Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays, it insists on it."

"It is a mistake to allow any mechanical object to realize that you are in a hurry."

"Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence."

Today in history
(March 18)

1994 – Zsa Zsa Gabor filed for bankruptcy(Sorry, I couldn’t find anything else!!)

1970 – The U.S. Postal Service experienced their 1st postal strike

1963 – The Supreme Court’s "Miranda Decision" upheld (defendants entitled to an attorney)

1954 – Howard Hughes bought RKO Motion Pictures Studio for $23,489,478.00

1945 – 1,250 U.S. bombers attacked Berlin, Germany (WW II)

1931 – The 1st electric shavers go on sale by Schick

1905 – Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt were married

1881 – Barnum & Bailey’s Greatest Show on Earth premiered in Madison Square Garden

1850 – Henry Wells & William Fargo form The American Express Co. in Buffalo, NY

Bud’s History of the Hymns

March 18, 2007

‘Softly and Tenderly’

(1880) page 348

Words and music by Will Lamartine Thompson (1847 – 1909)

Will L. Thompson was born in East Liverpool, Ohio. His father, Josiah Thompson, was a member of the Ohio State Legislature. Young Thompson attended the Boston Music School and did additional musical study in Germany. He later began publishing his own songs, when a publisher in New York offered him only $25 for four popular songs he had written. In a short time, millions of copies were being sold and soon he became known as "The Lord of Ohio" and "The Millionaire Songwriter."

His business earned him a sizable income in his lifetime, yet he was always known as a kind, quiet and unassuming Christian gentleman who was greatly loved and admired by his associates. Thompson was also known for his travels by horse and buggy from one small community to another throughout Ohio singing his songs to people everywhere.

This particular hymn was one of D.L. Moody’s favorites. It is said that when Moody was on his deathbed while being visited by Mr. Thompson, Moody feebly whispered: "I would rather have written ‘Softly and Tenderly’ than anything I have been able to do in my whole life."

This hymn was widely used as an invitation hymn in the great evangelistic meetings conducted by Moody and Sankey throughout Great Britain and in America.

Meanwhile…1880…127 years ago…in the United States…
President: Rutherford B. Hayes…V.P.: William A. Wheeler

Bread: 2¢/loaf, Milk: 4¢/qt., House: $4500, Income: $480/year

The most popular children’s names: John, William, Mary & Anna

Top Songs: ‘Sailing, Sailing, Over the Bounding Main,’ ‘Blow the man down’

The Municipal Court system was established & Police Department organized in Buffalo

Buffalo’s full time professional fire department was organized

The Buffalo Bisons baseball team went 24 – 58

Sheridan Community Chorus

Please try to make each of our remaining chorus rehearsals...
Thursday (3/22), Tuesday (3/27), and Thursday (3/29).
All at Sheridan United Methodist Church starting at 7:00 PM.

Preparing for the birth

1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously. 2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember the last time - breathing didn't do a thing. 3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.