Monday, July 14, 2008

Last night's (7/13) concert

The combined Sheridan/Cattaraugus Community choruses performed our patriotic concert last night at The Cattaraugus Christian Camp. We had good attendance in both the chorus and audience.
The audience loved it. My barometer is always the "feeling" I get from the audience as we perform, and the quantity and passion of the individual audience members following the concert. Both were extraordinary.
If you are one of those involved in last night's concert...thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I realize and appreciate the sacrifice of your valuable time...and the cost of travel. Thank you. All the participants should be proud.
Diane and I got a tour of the facilities of the camp following the concert and it is a beautiful camp filled with warm and friendly people. Some day Diane and I hope to spend more time there.

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