Friday, December 5, 2008


By Scott Murray

Twas the week before Christmas, when all through the church
Every creature was stirring, they were sitting on Birch

The programs were ready, everything was prepared
In hopes that the people soon would be there

The decorations were piled all over the place
From trees and garland, to pine cones and lace

The pastor all dressed up, the youth guy in jeans
Had started discussing what Christmas means

The gifts and the baskets, the ribbons and bows
And all of the children all covered in snow

Too often the problem we face every year
Is no one remembers any more than good cheer

For Christmas is not just a time to be getting
There’s something that schools are indeed forgetting

The birth of a saviour, in a manger with hay
Is really the reason to celebrate this day

While Santa and reindeer may seem to be right,
Who wants to celebrate a fat man in tights?

So in your efforts, remember this season
That Jesus my friends, is truly the reason

He did not come just for the winter
But also to die on two giant splinters

There not to stay, he just went to call
And bring back with him Salvation for all

The meeting was over and to their delight
The people were gathered, for Christmas that night

Copyright 2003 Scott Murray. Permission is granted to send this to others, with attribution, but not for commercial purposes.

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